What If You Had Expert Advice At The Tip Of Your Fingers To Help With Your Fitness Journey?

Excuses Don't Burn Calories

Discover Why Weight Gain Is Not Your Fault and How to Take the Weight Off for Good

A 3-time National and World Powerlifting Champion with 30 years’ experience in the fitness field, Chad Hickam has seen the up’s and down’s of the fitness journey, both with his clients and for himself.

Excuses Don't Burn Calories will provide you the blueprint for tackling the challenges people struggle with while looking for methods to meet their fitness desires. Excuses Don't Burn Calories resolves those challenges and provides you with step-by-step action steps to fitness success.

Chad Hickam is the creator of a unique program designed specifically for people wanting to get twice the results in half the time. Inside this book, Chad will show you how to use the power of your mindset, nutrition, and a little exercise to improve both your health and your body. Inside this book, you will learn:

  • The six keys to fitness success

  • 12 reasons you're not losing fat

  • How to lose weight without ruining your social life

  • Insider body transformation secrets only known by the world's top health & fitness experts... until now!

Just because everyone else is convinced that fitness has to be uncomfortable, doesn't mean you have to agree with them. All it takes are the strategies that you'll learn in this book to turn your health, and your life, around.

Ditch the thinking of the masses and start living your best life today!

"Excuses Don't Burn Calories" is your ultimate guidebook to transformative insights and practical strategies for unlocking optimal health, fitness, and weight loss success through the power of healthy habits.

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